
What does family mediation involve?

path through a grassy field on a summers day

Initial call

To find out more and to make an appointment to meet.

First meeting

A separate, confidential information and assessment meeting for each of you where you will discuss with Marcus the issues you have that you would like to resolve.

These meetings are sometimes known as MIAMs (Mediation, Information and Assessment Meetings) which a solicitor may recommend you attend if considering an application to court. Marcus can explain more about this.

Marcus will listen to your concerns, wishes and priorities and explain the mediation process to both of you. Everyone must agree that mediation is an appropriate way forward. Marcus will assess your eligibility for free mediation, and, where not applicable, explain the fees for mediation.

If mediation is appropriate and you both decide to proceed then a joint meeting will be arranged. Both of you will be given a preliminary information form to complete and return before the joint meeting. 

Joint meeting

At the first joint meeting you will sign the Agreement to Mediate, agreeing to the terms of mediation and that you are willing to take part. Mediation is confidential except for certain conditions that are set out in the Agreement.

You will both decide what matters you want to resolve and start gathering and sharing the information you will need to help in reaching a solution on the family property and finances, and the arrangements for the children.

Future joint meetings

With Marcus’s help and with information gathered together you will explore and discuss together your preferred options regarding the finances and parenting arrangements for the children. These preferred options may need to be reality-tested with Marcus, and both of you may need to take independent legal and financial advice during your conversations.

Final meeting and preparation of summary documents

Once you have both reached a solution on the family’s finances and on parenting Marcus will prepare a written summary of your proposals, in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding, Parenting Plan and Open Financial Statement. These documents can then be taken to your solicitors to be made legally binding.

Mediation is by choice and you can withdraw at any time.