What is family mediation?

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Couples choose family mediation as a better way to resolve the issues they face when separating, including family finances, property and arrangements for the children, without resorting to the financial and emotional cost of going to court.

The decision is one reached by both of you rather than one imposed upon you by a judge. You remain in control, and this can feel empowering and much better than arguing.

It of course requires the voluntary participation of both you and your partner and Marcus acts to help couples discuss and resolve their practical issues for themselves in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Through the mediation process it's possible for stress to be reduced and the impact on the children lessened.

The mediator is impartial, not taking either side. During the mediation process Marcus will listen and help you both identify your priorities and help you both in working out and deciding your finances and your children’s future.

Marcus is able to provide information on family law to both of you in an impartial and even-handed way in assisting you in working towards your own decisions, but Marcus cannot provide legal advice. Marcus will recommend that you take legal advice alongside the mediation process.  Clients have the responsibility for seeking any independent legal advice they may require. Once you have proposals that you both find acceptable Marcus will prepare the final documentation (Open Financial Statement, Memorandum of Understanding, and if required, a Parenting Plan) that you can take to your solicitors to have made into a legally binding document.

Mediation has the advantage of helping couples communicate with one another both now and in the future, particularly where children are involved. It can help you establish a good working relationship for the future as you both raise your children.